Christmas Bird Count

Yesterday was the annual Christmas Bird Count, when birdwatchers across North America dust off their binoculars to do a bird census. My friend Linda and I did not brave the 4:30 owl count, or even the 6:30 regular count; we arrived at the Newton Cemetery, coffee in hand, at the civilized hour of 9:30. With rain falling on top of Saturday’s snowfall, the birds were scarce. But I made this little sketch, using pen and charcoal pencil (with a tissue to smudge) of a little island with birch trees in the middle of the pond.

Red Geraniums

I found this in an old sketchbook, which had lots of crap and this one painting worth saving. It takes a lot of failure to produce a little success!
What I really like about this is the slightly messy approach — a little pen mixed in, and overlapping shapes. Notice the pale pink leaves in the upper middle — paint dropped into a previously wetted shape. The magic of watercolor!

Wild Iris

Our wonderful local library has a stream next to it where wild iris are blooming now. Today I got a chance to sketch them. Sitting on the grass in the sunshine drawing these lovely flowers felt like a little bit of heaven. 🙂 Lynn