The Psychology of Colors

As every advertiser, decorator and designer knows, we have emotional responses to colors.

If you are interested, here are the basics. The color wheel is made up of three primary colors — red, yellow and blue — and three secondary colors — orange (red + yellow), purple (red + blue) and green (blue + yellow). Yellow, red and orange are the “warm colors,” reminding us of fire. Blue (ice), green and purple are the “cool colors.”

Using contiguous colors together  (green trees + blue lake and sky) produces a peaceful feeling. Combining opposite colors (blue/orange, red/green, yellow/purple) creates a vibration of excitement. A woman in an extroverted mood might accent her green blouse with a red scarf. When she was feeling quieter, she might dress in neutrals (gray, black, brown) or contiguous colors.

The last two paintings which I posted, “Clementines” and “View of New York City,” used the blue/orange combination to produce interest.